The Storyboard for HIGHERxHIGHER Music Video
This is the Manga storyboard I’ve drew before we filmed the Music Video for the song HIGHERxHIGHER by LOKA in 2019. There were so much details in my head that I had to draw them out to have all the staff understand what I was trying to do.

As you can see, the intro of the video turned out be almost exactly how I imagined.

分かりづらいですが左上から下に読んでいってくださいw 番号振ってあります。
It’s hard to understand but please follow the numbers from the Top Left.
We’ve actually filmed the scene when the Android flies the Drones above the band. But since we had to prefer the other shots first, we ended up filming that scene last. It was too dark by that time and the looks didn’t match, so we deleted it.

赤い字の部分がAfter Effectsを編集で使おうと思っていた部分を表現しています。1、2ページにもAE部分はあるのですが、赤字で書いた方が解りやすいと気付いたのが3ページ目でしたw 適役のカポエラ家を3名集めるのが予算的にも不可能だったので、実写は敵1人でした。
The drawing in RED are the edits I was thinking to do with After Effects. Page 1 & 2 do have those area but it was Page 3 when I noticed drawing it in RED makes it easier to understand lol. There is only one opponent in the video cause I couldn’t manage 3 Capoeira fighters within the budget.

Here is where it starts to change a bit than the actual shoot. We didn’t have 3 opponents so we had the Android fight with a weapon called “SAI” and the opponent fight with a short blade.

ここら辺の戦闘シーンはもっと撮りたかったです…時間との勝負だったので出来る限りでしたが、それなりに表現できたかなと。役者や二人ともプロの格闘家ではありましたが、もちろん武器を使っての撮影だったので気を使いました…いや、俺はかなり煽りましたねw もっと激しくイケー!スピード上げて!ってw
I actually wanted to film more of the fight scene. But it was a battle against time. Though I think it turned out to be somewhat I imagined. Two of the figures are professional martial artists (KARATE & Capoeira). We were using weapons so needed to be careful, but I was constantly inflating them to speed up their moves and go wild lol. Thank you to ATSUSHI MORIMOTO & Neguinho.

実写ではこのシーンは白い部屋へと切り替わりますね。当初はその予定なかったのですが、HIGHERxHIGHERのシングルの後にTRAP ‘N ROCKシングルがリリース予定だったのでその撮影をするスタジオでついでに撮影しようと思いついたって感じです。あのまま外のシーンだけだと、どうも「目が飽きる」感じがしたので。結果良かったです^^
The actual filming fades into a different white room. The band just staying outside kinda felt boring so I thought of using the white room, which we eventually used it for our TRAP ‘N ROCK filming. So those two are actually filmed in the same place.
During the KATANA fight, we actually broke two KATANA’s… I guess I stirred them up too much with the battle. There not REAL Katana’s so obviously its much weaker but didn’t think we’d break ‘em…

After Effectの編集者様さまです。
ただ、やっ〜〜〜ぱもっと時間が欲しかった。Time is Moneyですけど、後もう少し時間があったら面白いの撮れたなぁって。言い続けたらキリがないですねw
This is the last part. I think we were able to express the film very close to what I was thinking. Very happy with it.
However, I do feel that I could of done more if we had the time.
Time is Money but man… there were so much ideas. Imagination never ends lol. I really want to create a next episode of this story.
I’m seriously thinking to create and ANIME version of this MV. It will allow me to express so many things we can’t do in actual filming.
Will you guys be willing to support me if do start this project?
I hope you will.